Monday 13 October 2014

Horror Film Posters

These are the three posters that relate to the three film trailers I analysed for part of my research and planning. Although you could say that film trailers are more effective at promoting their film, as they can engage with the audience through sound and pace, where posters just use sight, posters still can promote their film effectively and it is because of such that time and effort is put into their production.

As for these three films, researching their posters proved difficult as there were many varieties. Therefore, I used the online site IMDb to research the official posters.

I have also created a collage of a variety of other posters of the horror genre from various times to show my research. Many points I have made within my previous analyses apply, strengthening  my points with examples. Some of these points were such like the colour schemes reoccurring the same three colours black, white and red, with the occasional off white(or even grey), representing the dark nature of the films and the possible deaths (red) but also perhaps the supernatural (white). This is shown at best through posters for films such as Sinister or The Last House on the Left. There is also the main image twist, that it alternates usually from using either a camera shot of a character's face (either victim or feared character) or the location of which the plot is set. Some may consider the facial shots more effective however, as the eye contact is more relatable for the audience, and connects them to the poster better than a location.

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