Thursday 18 December 2014

Initial Animatic Billing Block

This is the billing block I produced for the animatic of our horror trailer 'Delirium'. I created it to understand how to make one for practice, as from looking at other trailer examples of posters and trailers of various genres, it is suggested that a billing block in key to a realistic and professional layout.

I used a black background with white text to ensure that the poster relates to gothic tone of the horror genre the rest of the trailer embodies. This allows means it has the aspect of simplicity, which I felt was extremely important, the content may be overwhelming if the background was cluttered, which seemed to also be shown amongst other examples of billing blocks I had observed. I tried to include our group's names within the billing block, however, to maintain the realistic and professional presentation, I randomly created a number of other names to fill, as a film company would have a great deal of contributors working on a film and all of it's aspects. For the font, I searched for one that would best compare to the standard professionally used one, and found DIN Condensed. For improvement, once i had completed the billing block, I realised that the text was too small for the picture. This is a simple error that I will attempt to avoid during the production a our group's horror trailer.

Firstly I used the software of Apple Mac Pages to creates the content, aided with a professional billing block I had researched. Once this was completed, I exported the file to PDF format which I could then use preview to export to a JPEG, which allowed me to transfer the picture on to the animatic my group had created, helping to portray a professional look and give us a more realistic view of what our trailer would look like, the experience of creating it and how to improve to ensure that the trailer we create would be the best that we could achieve.

Warner Bros. Billing Block:

My Group's Initial First Attempt at a Billing Block:

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