Friday 16 January 2015

Character Costumes

These our initial drafts at the outfits that would suit our characters the most. Each outfit was thought to specifically imply the stereotype of their character.


The father is portrayed as wearing quite masculine clothes, yet fatherly. However, the first image is presented as quite formal, which differs from the second which is slightly more casual. This is to not only present two different outfits for the character, but it also allows to audience to perceive the effect of the loss of control he has over his family and life through out the film. His initial well though out and co-ordinated formal attire presents his state of mind, and the more casual and less though out outfit presents his character as a result of losing this. Although, he is still shown wearing his wedding ring though out, hinting how he has not given up, which relates to the end of the film, which is not presented in the trailer.


The mother is shown as having more outfits that her husbands because she appears in the trailer far more often than her husband, and some outfits are to fit with the location and time frame of the scene, and some are to show her progression into the possessed figure.

In addition to the annotations of the image, the hair is tied up into a neat up-do to portray to the audience the maturity of her age. The light pink of her dress represents her love and compassion, caring for her family.

This outfit is to be used for scenes around the house or perhaps the bed scene is which she is shown to convey the transformation of the possession taking hold. 

The third outfit is to portray the possessed state of the character. Her once tidy hairstyle is unkept, this messy bruised presentation conveys how this character is only the remains of what it used to be, and it has now been corrupted. Unlike her husband however, she is shown in this state without a wedding ring, conveying how the person she once was is now lost and she is without love or mercy.


The outfits of the son are more simplistic, as he is young and it is more about the emotions of fear and how the audience is scared for his safety. Each outfit is constructed to present to the audience his age and the perception of his as a stereotypical young boy, with additions such as trainers to highlight his energy and athleticism.

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