Tuesday 13 January 2015

Information About Our Characters

These are the three characters that we aim to include in our trailer. We decided that having as few characters in our trailer would be the most beneficial to our plot and production. This way, we can evolve the character's, helping the audience to feel more involved with the trauma that follows, and how the dynamics and presentation of what once was has changed. Having few characters also means that we rely on less actors to be available for the filming shoots, which helps us manage our time more effectively.

We settled on having three main characters, the father, mother and son. Initially, each character is presented as the stereotype that is associated, and one of the impacts of the break in the equilibrium that will occur (the awakened presence of a witch-like spirit) will be conveying how they each show how they almost end in contrast.

How each character is presented in the trailer:-

The Father:
  • Portrayed by Luke Williams.
  • Sterotypical man of the house. ie) carrying the boxes in the beginning scenes.
  • investigative
  • Around 30 years of age.
  • feels the responsibility of the trauma that begins to unfold.
  • Ends: helpless to prevent the rise of the spirit.
The Mother:
  • Portrayed by Alys LeMoignan.
  • The more focused on of characters, as of her change is presentation being the most shocking.
  • Stereotypical nurturing mother figure.
  • Cares for her son, which is shown as a strong bond. ie) watches over him play football / holds his hand on arrival.
  • The character of which is to be associated most with our target audience as women of 20-30 years of age also, more specifically appealing to mothers as the danger of the child will be more effective to make an impact.
  • Ends: having the mother and son bonds destroyed, and caring nature stripped from her, replaced with this cold hearted vengful spirit of unknown limits.
The Son:
  • Portrayed by Finlay LeMoignan.
  • Around 8-10 years.
  • Stereotypical young boy.
  • Active: enjoys sports such as football.
  • Relatively confident and outgoing. ie) explores the house on his own through excitement.
  • Ends: fearful and scared for his life, being at risk of harm from his mother.

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