Thursday 4 September 2014

Deciding a Film Genre

Before I could begin my trailer, I first had to determine which genre would be the more achievable in the tight time frame and little resources I had on offer. The two genres that I considered practical were horror and a female friendship drama. I used the aforementioned factors to decide this, which included considering actors and actresses and the amount of them I would need for a realistic film trailer.

Therefore, I have analysed the two examples of the genres in basic (mainly focusing on the representation), in aim to conclude which would be more successful for me to attempt to  produce.

Horror Trailer:
Woman in Black

The narrative includes the equilibrium of an undisturbed house with a chilling house being broken by the arrival of the main character. The unique selling point could be the collection of cleshe, yet effective scaring techniques (e.g, there is something behind him), and the play on the main scare, which is the children's contrast of their innocence.

It could be fair to assume the target audience of this film is young adults as it relates to the age of the actor playing the main character. Not only this, they may recognise him from his recent success in the Harry Potter film series, potentially appealing to their audience.

The music uses the chimes of the toys to time the cutting of shots, tying the rhyme and the shots together. As for the camera shots, they contain a great deal of darkness, which could be representing the nature of the plot and the history of the house.

The pace of the trailer starts slow, however quickens as the music does, before slowing back down to cause tension and suspense for the shot.

The fact that the trailer displays no dialogue could be due to the fact that, unlike Sex and the City 2, this movie is more about the experience, rather than relationships). Instead the trailer uses the child's rhyme as asynchronous  over the camera shots to suggest that all the shots relate to one another.

There is little to none special effects used, which could convey the filmmaker's intention to allow the audience's imagination to creating some of the effect and suspense.

The credits and intertitles are used to intrigue the audience, 'DANIEL RADCLIFFE' is to ensure the audience of the famous actor involved, 'THE  WOMAN IN BLACK'  is directly after the shot of the most suspense in the trailer, and the 'COMING SOON' is used as it is ominous and unclear, embodying the essence of how the trailer wants to be perceived, with mystery.

Female Friendship Drama Trailer:
Sex and the City 2

The narrative of the film is established through the presentation of the four females, each presenting four different personalities (e.g, a mother, a wife). It could be said that these four women cover a lot of the female demographic, and their gender and similar age (30s-50s) could be the film-makers attempting to appeal to their ideal target audience. However, this equilibrium is hinted as disrupted/broken by the four characters deciding to go on a holiday together, which brings the drama of the film.

The intertitles also aid the trailer by portraying the narrative in an extremely basic form 'THE FUN', yet simultaneously drawing the audience in and emphasizing the main character 'TO CARRIE ON', Carrie. There is also use of voiceover of this character 'Sometimes, you just have to get away with the girls' which is a phrase of which is stereotypical of the target audience (30s-50s females), and therefore, not only summarises the plot, which is that the main four females go on vacation together and appeals to the target audience, but also personalises the film to the female watching by using the direct language of 'you'. This allows the audience to find this more agreeable as it urges them to reflect this statement upon their own lives, building a connection.

The music could reflect the women's class and location 'New York' , as well as setting the tone of the film which is female empowerment 'inspire you' (sung by a female artist, Alicia Keys). In terms of editing, the music used in this trailer could be noted as providing a rhythm for camera shot to cut with the beats.

The camera of the trailer suggest how the filmmaker aims to present the characters. For example, many low angle shots are used, such as the character of Carrie exiting a car, which represent importance and rich.


In terms of creating a trailer with the greatest chance of success at being perceived as professional, the horror/thriller is superior in comparison to a female friendship drama. Some of the main reasons being that it requires less special effects within the trailer, the dark colour scheme would be easier to work with, more variety of character to chose from and the trailers have more of a structure.

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