Wednesday 11 March 2015

Delirium Poster Image

For my image, I took various angles of my idea before choosing the more face-on version, as it was clearer to see and there wasn't many problems with sorting a background to suite.

I wanted the background to look as realistic as possible to present the film as of high quality and the fear to be more effective. Therefore, I searched different backgrounds to appear underneath the main image. I finally settled on the grey wall to portray the dark and mysterious nature of the plot and the villain, which also allows me to place key information on without the difficultly patterns would cause to reading.

I then had to use Adobe Photoshop to remove the existing background of my main image and then fit it on top of the grey wall background on InDesign.

From this I used tools to shadow the outerline and corners of the poster and the feathering too to smoothen the edges of the main image. This creates a darker tone commonly used in horror posters, while the feathering of the photo frame and hand gave the image an eery ghostly feel that suggests the supernatural plot of the film.

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