Saturday 28 March 2015

Finished InDesign Poster

This is my completed poster for our group's Delirium film trailer. The final adjustments I made were the changes to the billing block. From observing professional posters, I realised that the billing block was far too square, which meant that it took up half the poster and took focus away from the image, leaving blank space. Therefore I re-made the billing block so it would be more rectangular, and then I could enlarge and move the other content down the page, giving the main focus to the image and the title. This was important as posters are supposed to be image led, and the text should be minimal and basic with key information.

Full Analysis:

The Tagline
For the tagline, I eventually used a font similar to the title so as to link it better to the poster. However, I made sure to keep it smaller than the title so it did not distract from key information like the title and the release date, and there could be more focus on the image. The word 'PAST' relates to the image being a photo frame and connects the poster together more seamlessly. 'HAUNT' could suggest to the audience the supernatural presence of the possession in the plot. Also, 'YOU' directs the tag line to the individual audience member, helping the audience to feel more involved in the plot, possibly even feeling at risk of the danger, creating a more longer-standing memory. As a promotional device for the film, this is ideal as it counts on making an impression on the audience so that they feel intrigued enough to go and view the film and gain profit through ticket sales for the filmmaker.

The Background
I wanted the background to look as realistic as possible to present the film as of high quality and the fear to be more effective. Therefore, I searched different backgrounds to appear underneath the main image. I finally settled on the grey wall to portray the dark and mysterious nature of the plot and the villain, which also allows me to place key information on without the difficultly patterns would cause to reading.

The Main Image
The image of the photo frame was selected to suggest the happy life the family presented had. The past tense is suggested through it being a photo and the suggestion that this happiness has ended is hinted through the blood smearing hand. The blood represents murder with the red symbolising the danger the family is in. The hand is purposely made to appear as disturbing as possible.

The dark bruises and cuts, with the jagged edges suggest the person is no stranger to pain. The nails in specific imply the origins of this character, as the sharp, black jagged nails are often associated with witch-like figures, portraying their cunning cruel nature. The hand shape itself is meant to resemble a female's hand, hinting more to the identity of the character.

When considering the position of the hand across the frame. The position of the fingers convey elements of the plot. The child is almost hidden between the index and middle figure, suggesting the figure's dominance over him, and how he is quite literally in her grasp. These fingers are the more used and so hint the figure's focus on the child. The other fingertips rest near the mother's face, implying how she is not as victim but involved. The idea behind this is that the nails are around her head, suggesting her link to the figure. Finally, the father figure is completely left. This is intentional as the character is left unaware and in the dark to the true nature and extent of the figure (the possessed mother) and even takes to videoing the disturbances to gain more knowledge. Him being left in the lighter side of the portrait against the darkness of the hand also portrays the battle between him as the saviour and the evil possessed mother over the safety of the child and themselves.

The Title
The title 'DELIRIUM' suggests the insanity of the possessed mother and her ambiguous true nature and origin which the audience will be intrigued to find out during the film. The size and position of the title is purposely done to emphasize the importance of the name of the film as key information, as it is vital to the audience finding out more about the film. The white outline of the text creates the eerie and mysterious ambience. That, with the similar faded outline of the main image

The Billing Block
By making my own billing block and adding it to the film poster, it helps to create the presentation of a professional and realistic film poster. I re-made the billing block so as to have a rectangular shape, which allowed me to create a more balanced and conventionally correct layout.

The Release Date
The release date is the second largest piece of text on the page, as it is key alongside the title as informing the audience when to go about watching the film. I made the colour a dark red to link to the blood in the picture better and to portray the dark nature of the film more effectively.

Conventional Details
The poster include three set of online information,such as a web address and two social media links. This helps the modern audience stay up to date and interested in the film by using the technophilic society we live in now to access a wider audience.

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