Wednesday 1 April 2015

Delirium: Finished Film Trailer

This is the finished version of the horror trailer our group produced. We took many steps to ensure that it was completed to the best of our ability, which included drafting the trailer using a story board and then animatic. This helped us alter and improve our concept and vision visually.

This includes the soundtrack our group created to match our trailer effectively. It's beats are synchronised with the flow of shots, mainly in time with impacting shots. As the soundtrack builds, the tension the audience experiences increases, as our research proved a convention of many horror trailers. Urging the audience to feel tense contributes to the fear they should be experiencing for the child, and hopefully make a greater impact in the audience's memory, which is the aim of a promotional device like a trailer. This is because if the trailer remains in the audience's memory well, there is a good chance they may be intrigued to go and watch the film or tell other's about it.

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