Wednesday 8 April 2015

InDesign Film Magazine Draft: 1

This is  my first basic draft at creating my idea of a professional horror film magazine cover on InDesign.

However, unlike my drawn draft, so details of the magazine cover have been altered as I considered some of them not to have been effective in appealing to the audience.

Some of these changes was the movement of the header line of text across the top of the page, to instead be placed underneath the masthead. This helps lengthen the page and is evident in other professional magazines, such as EMPIRE.

I changed the sell lines to contain information that is current and horror themed. This information was learnt from research I undertook to know information like which horror films were coming out soon after 'OCT 2015', which is the release date of our groups's horror film trailer. This creates a sense of realism of my magazine and presents it more as a professional media product. I used the colour scheme of red black and white to emphasize certain words within my sell likes like PREMIERE is shown to do.

Feedback on my poster was that the bottom section under the splash 'looks bare', so I researched other issues of film magazines and adapted the style of EMPIRE.
I also used the same font and style of title used in my poster and our group's trailer to link it to the film more effectively. The title is also the one of the largest texts on the page, alongside the masthead. This is to emphasize it's importance in the issue as the main feature.

The price shown on the cover is artificially inserted above a price tag so as to present the price I felt was appropriate for a film magazine. The price I settled on was £3.90 as the I had researched different brands of magazines and brands such as EMPIRE often vary their price from £3.70 to £3.99. Therefore I chose a price relatively in the middle of those that I have seen, yet slightly toward the higher end of the scale as my cover would be a halloween issue and therefore be one of the more special issues of the year.

I included various other conventional details, one of which would be the involvement of the brand's web address ''. As a modern magazine brand, the technophilic society we live in engages with many different media forms throughout their day, and so it is realistic for my magazine to mimic the strategy of presenting different media platforms of their brands. This means that their product is more accessible to a wider audience and target the younger audiences more effectively, as they are most commonly noted as being technophiles.

The quotation of a review was added to perhaps influence the audience's first impressions of the film before they have viewed it, and encourage them to view it.

I changed the text underneath the splash, still using selling language like 'EXCLUSIVE' but instead involving the actress more and detailing a little about the feature.

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