Thursday 2 April 2015

Film Magazine Drawn Draft

This is my initial drawn drafter of my film magazine that I have created to aid the promotion of the trailer out group has created, 'DELIRIUM'.

I chose to use a character to model the main image so as to differentiate from my film poster and, as this cover would focus on other aspects of the current film industry, I wanted the image to be less suggestive and relate more to film.

The representation behind the mother character presented is to intrigue the audience as it is against stereotypes for a female mother-figure to be portrayed as the villain. This may help to stay in the audience's memory and therefore fulfill the purpose of the magazine cover, as a promotional device for the film to attract an audience for the film. The eyes are specifically the only aspect left blue, as a contrast to the red apparent on and around the character. This enhances the eyes and relates to an intertitle of the trailer 'The eyes are the window to the soul'. The blue can also have the connotation of ghosts and the supernatural. Both points help to convey the woman's possession by the evil spirit.

The object of the scissors is used as a prop in the image to relate to the murder weapon hinted in the trailer. Additionally with it being used to shush the audience, gives the character an unsettling yet memorable quality.

For the magazine brand, I chose to use 'FLICKS' as it refers to cinemas, where films are premiered. With this, I created fictional online information to present the magazine as realistic and professional, such as, which is a conventional detail many magazine in general apply to keep up to date with the modern technophilic society.

This also true for the use of a barcode, price and issue date, which are all conventional details of magazines and present the cover as realistic.

The colour scheme was chosen specifically to relate to genre of film the issue was focusing on (horror), with connotations such as black representing death and evil, and red portraying danger and blood.

The film-related sell lines are kept as basic as possible, to present the cover as cluttered. Therefore, a strict grid structure is made to keep the cover looking professional, which is evident through other aspect of the cover such as a header and the splash, which is the trailer's name 'DELIRIUM', as it is one of the most crucial key pieces of information to remember.

The main inspiration for the structure of my film magazine came from the Premiere issue:

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