Sunday 15 March 2015

InDesign Poster Draft: 1

This is my first draft of my film poster. However, I felt the billing block didn't have high enough quality, therefore I would have to create another method to present it on my poster in a way that you can read it's contents clearly.

As wells as this, the tagline 'FEAR HER' could be seen as too vague in the sense that audience feedback has informed me that the 'HER' in question is not 'link well enough to the main image'. This is why I decided to use another sentence that was also used in our group's 'DELIRIUM' trailer, which was 'THE PAST WILL HAUNT YOU'. The word 'PAST' relates to the image being a photo frame and connects the poster together more seamlessly. 'HAUNT' could suggest to the audience the supernatural presence of the possession in the plot. Also, 'YOU' directs the tag line to the individual audience member, helping the audience to feel more involved in the plot, possibly even feeling at risk of the danger, creating a more longer-standing memory. As a promotional device for the film, this is ideal as it counts on making an impression on the audience so that they feel intrigued enough to go and view the film and gain profit through ticket sales for the filmmaker.

Yet I failed to decide on a suitable font, size, colour and placement of this tagline, which is evident below through my progress of trials.

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